
Welcome to the first article of my blog! I decided to start this blog after one of my mentors suggested that I document the process I am going through to create my business. I want this to be an educational experience and help you learn about entrepreneurship with me. I am going to write about the challenges I have faced, the process of creating a business as a teenager, the lessons I have learned, and the components that are necessary to produce a successful venture.

Firstly, I would like to provide you with some background on me. My name is Brian Rosen, I am a senior in high school, an entrepreneur, and the founder of the all-natural energy drink, Natural Power. I came up with the idea for Natural Power when I was chosen to be in a Business Design and Leadership class at my school during my junior year. The culmination of this class was a Shark Tank-type contest in which all 50 students were required to pitch a business idea to a panel of judges who are business leaders in our community. I was selected as the winner of the competition and awarded a cash prize to help start Natural Power, which I am in the early stages of launching.

In addition to business, I have been very active in other pursuits in high school, all of which have shaped me as a person and provided me with experience in certain fields. I am a four-year member, Section Leader, and current Captain of my school’s marching band. I am also the President of the Equality Club at my school. In that role, I have worked tirelessly with administrators and other student leaders to promote greater inclusivity and understanding of people with different cultures, races, religions, and sexual orientations within our community. In addition to these roles, I am an elected representative to my school’s Honor Council. On the Honor Council, I am a part of a body of students who hear and decide cases of academic dishonesty. Lastly, I am a member of the Young Advocates Council (YAC) for the North Texas Food Bank. In this role, I am a part of a team that organizes fundraisers, volunteers, and helps advance the mission of the food bank. I have organized canned food drives and obtained corporate sponsorships for the YAC. Through these organizations, I have learned many lessons which help me as I continue on my journey of starting a business.

If you want to learn more about me, check out the About page on this website. You can also follow me on social media using the buttons in the header. Look out for new articles being posted weekly. I am glad to have you along for the journey and look forward to getting into it!


The Importance of a Good Team